Storytelling is in the Marrow of My Bones!

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I started getting itchy feet. Over time Berlin had changed. "Provinz 2.0" called. This time it was to be a tiny town in the Prignitz called Wittenberge. Once again a town that still has plenty of space & seems to be attracting some of the most interesting yet down to earth people I have met in a long time. Where family, dog, a little suburban house, fast internet & cloud solutions are all on the cards.



Adopting Final Cut Pro as my tool of choice, lead to a lot of key aspects in my career. It meant that I got to work on many alternative projects. Which lead to running the Berlin Final Cut Pro User Group for many years. Ultimately becoming an Apple Authorised Final Cut Pro Trainer. Which in turn provided more training opportunities both technical & creative.



After several challenging years, I was just beginning to find my feet, when I fell in love with a German woman. So I packed up my bags & moved to the most dynamic city in Europe, Berlin. Which felt like moving to a huge provincial town full of all kinds of colourful people & activities. There was an abundance of space & the feeling in the air thatanything was possible.




During my final year at Film School I specialized in editing, using a flat bed film editing machine. Learning to edit on an ancient Steenbeck editing table provided me with a rock solid foundation for my current skills set. However on graduation, I soon discovered that everybody in the industry had just made the move to digital non linear editing systems. Back then It was either Avid or Lightworks.



Despite tough competition & the active discouragement of my teachers I applied & gained entry to the National Film School of Ireland. I turned 21 half way through my first term. Those years spent at Dun Laoire College of Art & Design, living & breathing film, were nothing short of paradise.



At 14 years age when I watched "Raging Bull" for the first time, it blew me away. I didn´t have the vaguest idea what it was about. I just had a strange feeling in the depths of my stomach. Little did I know that the film was considered to be of one the absolute all time classics & had received an Oscar for the editing.




Born in Dublin Ireland into a family of Architects.